Though Salman Khan and Aishwarya Rai have moved on and are seemingly happy leading blissful lives with Katrina and Abhishek respectively, world hasn’t really stopped discussing the couple’s one time involvement and now, we might get to witness some more of it.
According to reports,Salman and Aishwarya’s love story is headed for the big screen. Filmmaker Javed Khan is deriving inspiration from the supposedly forgotten romance.Khan is all set to make a film called ‘Ajab Hai Ishq’ on the famous affair between the two superstars.
It is believed that the flick is all set to get rolling. Javed Khan, who is a lesser known filmmaker will himself produce and act in the film and is extremely confident that the film will attract a lot of audience as it is an emotional story depicting the one-time love between Salman and Ash.
Khan has decided to have a climax much different to the fate that Salman-Ash’s romance met in real and he would rather let the lovers meet in his saga.Well, only time will tell what Salman and Aishwarya’s take on the flick will be like.
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